The Process of Developing Personas

Persona — Unveiling User Insights Beyond Demographics

Shelcia David
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Developing personas is an essential step in user-centered design and helps create a clear understanding of the target audience for a product or service.

What is persona really ?

Personas are fictional representations of user types that are created based on user research. It helps us capture users’ motivations, behaviors, goals, and pain points beyond demographies.

How do we a develop a persona ?

  1. Conduct User Research: Gather insights about the target audience through interviews, surveys, or observation methods (like contextual inquiry). Understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  2. Identify Patterns: Analyze the research data to identify commonalities, patterns, and key characteristics among users. Group them into distinct groups (ex. International Residents, Domestic Residents).
  3. Create Persona Profiles: Create detailed profiles for each persona, including their name, background, goals, motivations, pain points, and behaviors.

You can start by creating Persona analysis Table, you can add columns as you require.

Persona analysis Table
Persona analysis Table

Then make each Persona based on categories.

Persona — example
Persona — example

You can note down the pain points, motivations, needs and goals for each user category.

Persona — example-pain points, motivations, needs and goals
Persona — example-pain points, motivations, needs and goals

What are the caveats in developing persona ?

  1. Avoid overgeneralization and consider individual differences (you might sometimes assume things based on your personal experience with the user).
  2. Be aware of biases that may influence the research process or persona development. (Your experience and affordances with product might be completely different than other users)
  3. Personas should be regularly updated based on new research and insights to reflect evolving user needs and behaviors. (one of my user has now a very different way of looking into the product)

Benefits ?

Personas foster empathy by helping designers understand users’ goals, needs, and pain points.

They also provide a reference point for design decisions, ensuring they align with the target audience’s preferences and behaviors.

Plus its good for business !, I had outlined some of the business values of UX earlier.

Overall, the process of developing personas is a powerful tool that brings user needs to the forefront of the design process. It helps designers empathize with users, make informed decisions, and ultimately create products and services that resonate with the intended audience.



Shelcia David

MS in Information @ UW Madison || Ex Senior Software Developer @NASDAQ. I write articles about Web apps, UX and whatever I find interesting.